TMD/TMJ Headache Treatment in NY & NJ

Dual Phase Program Available in NY & NJ

Pilar Type NTI for TMJ/TMD Headaches

Dr. Mike Pilar brings together a combination of treatments for TMJ headaches and other severe types of headache in a revolutionary, highly efficient dual-phase program that is neither invasive nor painful. His advanced treatment consists of all of the following treatments: Class 4 Cold Laser, Microcurrent Point Stimulation (MPS) and a Pilar-type NTI mouth muscle orthotic.

Now practicing exclusively to treat headaches and disorders of the temporomandibular joint, Dr. Pilar has developed a non-invasive, state-of-the-art treatment program, targeting the pain source that leads to the symptoms of temporomandibular disorder (TMD), known familiarly as TMJ. The retinue of symptoms includes chronic headaches, jaw pain, ringing in the ears, eye and ear sensitivity, stuffy nose, head, neck and shoulder pain, dizziness (imbalance), sleep disruption, blurry eyesight and grinding or clenching of teeth.

What are the two phases of this highly effective program?

  1. Phase One of the TMD/TMJ Headache Protocol… This is re-educating the inflamed muscles behind all the problems, while concurrently treating the diseased trigeminal nerve, which supplies the entire cranial region. This treatment may take between three to eighteen months for major reversal of the disorder, depending on the severity of your condition.

Dr. Pilar starts by custom modeling a special orthotic mouth appliance called a Pilar-Type NTI. This, NTI, or nociceptive trigeminal inhibition, is a tension suppression system that eliminates total back teeth contact between all upper and lower teeth. The result is alleviation of associated head and neck muscular contractions.

This treatment removes the trigger point connection between muscles, along with acute spasms, rebalancing the hinge rotation movement of both jaw joints.

For the above reasons, a Pilar-Type NTI is much more than just an ordinary night guard. An NTI, a type of occlusal splint, is the most effective FDA-approved method of TMJ headache prevention. NTI orthotics have been shown to end most patients’ reliance on prescription and over-the-counter pain medications.

Then come the follow-up headache treatments utilizing cold laser and MPS to remove built-up inflammation of muscles in spasm, sometimes lasting for years. MPS combines the principles of acutherapy with electric stimulation at extremely low-frequency levels (cold laser) to pinpoint and treat the trigger points that cause debilitating muscle contractions and painful symptoms.


  1. Phase Two of TMD/TMJ Headache Protocol… After the success Phase One’s muscle re-education protocol comes Phase Two treatment, which may run the gamut from simple bite realignment to major re-construction of the upper and lower arch of teeth.

“We don’t have all the answers to Phase Two treatment until Phase One treatment is completed,” Dr. Pilar explains. “Our ultimate goal is to reverse the TMJ Disorder permanently with reduced reliance on the orthotic.”

This may require conferring with the patient’s dentist to help develop the best approach to Phase Two treatment.”


TMJ Headaches and Other TMD/TMJ Severe Symptoms…

Dr. Pilar has successfully used his MPS/NTI program to reverse symptoms of the following and more:

—Tension Headaches & Migraines

—Jaw Pain and Clicking

—Eye and Ear Sensitivity

—Neck & Shoulder Pain and Stiffness

—Painful and Sensitive Teeth

—Ringing in the Ears (tinnitus)

— Congestion in the Ears

—Dizziness or Lack of Balance

—Blurred Vision

—Grinding & Clenching of the Teeth


Dr. Pilar’s unique “holistic” approach to TMJ pain and headaches often provides amazing results.

Help for TMJ Headaches and Severe TMJ Symptoms Treatment:

(917) 414-8355